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Showing records 721 through 750.

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The First Commandment

2/20/2011 Jeff Putman  Exodus 20:3 

The Ten Commandments

2/13/2011 Jeff Putman  Deuteronomy 27:9-10 

The Grace of Giving-Part b

1/9/2011 Jeff Putman  Malachi 3:8-10 

David Weathers Devotional

3/30/2010 David Weathers  1 Peter  

Pastors Conference

3/30/2010 Ricard Owen Roberts  Isaiah 65 

Sin Crouching at the Door

3/28/2010 Richard Owen Roberts  James 4 

3/28/2010 Richard Owen Roberts    

3/28/2010 Richard Owen Roberts    

3 Simple Commands

2/21/2010 Bro. Jeff   John 14:7-14 

The Heart of Humility

1/24/2010 Bro. Jeff   John 13:1-17 

Believing & Receiving

1/17/2010 Bro. Jeff   John 12:27-37 

Centerpiece of the Gospel

1/17/2010 Bro. Jeff  John 12:38-50 

When Crist Comes-B

1/10/2010 Bro. Jeff  John 12: 12-26 

When Christ Comes-A

1/10/2010 Bro. Jeff  John 12:12-26 

What kind of disciple are you?

1/3/2010 Bro. Jeff  John 12: 1-11 

The Raising of Lazarus

12/13/2009 Bro. Jeff  John 11:1-57 

Jesus, Giver of Salvation-A

12/6/2009 Bro. Jeff  John 10:22-30 

Jesus-Giver of Salvation-B

12/6/2009 Bro. Jeff  John10:31-42 

Is the Lord your Shepherd? B

11/22/2009 Bro. Jeff   John10:11-21 

Is the Lord your Shepherd? -A

11/22/2009 Bro. Jeff  John 10:1-10 

Physical vs. Spiritual blindness-A

11/15/2009 Bro. Jeff  John 9:1-41 

Physical vs. Spiritual blindness-B

11/15/2009 Bro. Jeff  John 9:1-41 

Saving or Superficial Faith?-A

11/8/2009 Bro. Jeff  John 8:31-59 

Saving or Superficial Faith? B

11/8/2009 Bro. Jeff   John  

The Light of the world

11/1/2009 Bro. Jeff   John 8:12-30 

The Prodigal Daughter

11/1/2009 Bro. Jeff  John 8:1-11 

This is the Christ ?

10/25/2009 Bro. Jeff   John 7:40-50 

Living Water

10/25/2009 Bro. Jeff   John 7:37-39 

The Heinous Sin of Hypocrisy-A

10/18/2009 Bro. Jeff   John 7: 19-24 

The Heinous Sin of Hypocrisy-B

10/18/2009 Bro. Jeff   John 7:25-36 

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Showing records 721 through 750.